5 Date-Night Suggestions

Are you looking forward to getting out of your student housing but worried about going on a date? Maybe you\’re afraid of the awkwardness of going out with a stranger. So, no need to worry.

The action isn\’t what makes or breaks a date. It is the willingness to interact with others. If you\’re awkward, your date would be as well, even if you\’re at the perfect restaurant or on the most incredible horseback trip. It is the person that makes the difference.


1. Be Respectful

The first date is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your admiration for them. Offer the other individual room and don\’t feel obligated to engage in physical contact. Often remember that \”no\” means \”no.\” This can never be a challenge if you set limits for yourself from the outset.

I mean both physically and emotionally when I say reverence. Respect their viewpoints. Only because they think differently than you does not mean they are incorrect. Listen to them and want to explain where they\’re coming from.


2. Usual Courtesy

When out on a date, there are a few big dos and don\’ts. Some items should be common knowledge, just in case you need a short refresher, here they are.


Do not:

  • Check your devices – Before leaving the building, set your phone to silent mode. Refrain from checking your phone during the date. It is impolite and annoying, and it communicates to the other party that what they have to suggest is unimportant to you. You don\’t have a legitimate reason to have your cell out because it\’s an emergency.
  • Talking to ex-girlfriends – common knowledge, but a nice reminder. Exes have no place in the discussion. Maybe there will be a day where you need to talk about the emotional baggage they left behind, just not on the first date. In reality, it\’s unlikely to be a second or third date.
  • Be alone – If you don\’t know the other, this just applies to you. Just because they\’re adorable doesn\’t imply they\’re healthy. Before you trust yourself to be alone with them, spend some time getting to know them. The safest option is to remain healthy.


Do the following:

  • Carry your wallet – And though they invite you out for a date, you can still carry your wallet. It\’s the polite thing to do, and it might save you from an uncomfortable scenario if they decide you should foot part of the bill.
  • Pay attention – Try to listen to what they\’re doing, even though it\’s a topic you\’re not interested in. You are not signed up for a lifetime of this topic, only an hour or so, so you should be able to persevere.
  • Giving them the benefit of the doubt – Continue and give them the benefit of the doubt if they say anything negative. I\’m not suggesting you should put up with your date being a dick, but if anything they said upset you, now isn\’t the time to get on your soapbox and indoctrinate them with your theories.


3. Discussion

You are the one that makes this a great time, not your date. In reality, you will influence whether or not both of you have a fun time. Conversations are important when dating because they enable you to get to know each other.

If you\’re at a loss about what to say, attempt to find out what the other individual is passionate about. Don\’t make them feel questioned, because if you can discover their enthusiasm, you\’ll have a chat that can last the whole date.


4. Have Suggestions

If the date is going poorly or you aren\’t happy with what your date needs to do, don\’t be shy to offer feedback. I\’m not suggesting you shouldn\’t go bowling because you\’re terrible at it, so if you have moral concerns with what\’s going on, don\’t be scared to speak up and propose a different option.

On the other hand, remain open to fresh experiences. Whether what you\’re doing is not socially compromising, consider throwing yourself out there. Who knows, you might like the new thing.


5. Sincerity

If you\’ve offered somebody a shot and you know it won\’t work out, be truthful with them. Try to be sensitive but still being forthright. You don\’t want to waste their time, and they don\’t want to waste yours. Depending on how this discussion continues, you will be able to remain friends without becoming uncomfortable.

With these 5 easy suggestions in mind, you can never have a poor date again (or, at the very least, it would not be your fault). You have the power to make the distinction between nice and lame. Good luck with your love life!