Build a Long-Distance Relationship

Have you ever met a skeptic who just can\’t wrap their mind around the idea that your long-distance partnership is genuine, romantic, and meaningful? Yes, I believe all of you do.

But did you realize the studies show that long-distance partnerships can be stronger and more important than those through which you see your significant other every day? The gap between you will help you connect more effectively! And you come to value your phone calls, instant messages, and shared memories even more.

True, a long-distance partnership necessitates effort, dedication, confidence, flexibility, and passion. This can be frustrating at times, and it can be tough to recall all of the wonderful stuff the partnership has to bring. But you know what will aid in this situation? Remembering all of your favorite times together! And do you know what will help? Create a highlights reel for your relationship—a video that captures your favorite awesome moments.

So, without further ado, here are eight suggestions for creating your own “highlights reel of long-distance love.”


1. Collect Your Favorite Text Messages And Compile Them Into A Journal

Isn\’t it true that you can send a gazillion text messages back and forth, particularly if you\’re in a long-distance relationship?

You\’ll be texting about serious matters or reports on your day at times. Often they\’ll be lovey-dovey romantic texts that make you smile. And now and again, they\’ll make you break out laughing.

Any of these sweet memories, though, would be lost in the daily flood of chat messages.

Not much more. You will retrieve the most meaningful text messages and save them into your diary or print them into a book using the software \’Deary.\’

Forget about taking pictures of the most heartfelt or amusing posts. The software chooses the best updates for you. Then you will determine whether you want to retain or delete these texts. The messages you save can accumulate over time to form your journal, filled with humorous, delicious, or important moments sent between the two of you that you can replay anytime you want. The messages may also be printed in your journal.


2. Make a Picture Album

Have you taken several lovely photographs together? Or a slew of amusing and ridiculous selfies? Making a picture archive is another excellent way to document your friendship.

Choose the most stunning and amusing photos of the two of you, and then select photos from your everyday life. This allows the partner to see what you\’re up to while you\’re not physically together. Choosing pictures from your daily life is a wonderful way to capture not just your friendship, but also your long-distance relationship.

There are several awesome picture album makers online (check out how to create Custom Photo Books at Mixbook), or you might go old-school and hand-craft your photo album.


3. Keep Your Letters or Launch a Journal With Them

When a brief text message can\’t capture what we need to say, we turn to emails, letters, or blog posts for reminders and to express our feelings.

This was my face. Before we both spoke on the phone or met in person, my husband and I spoke by email and exchanged hundreds of letters. In reality, we had never spoken on the phone or via VideoCam before meeting in person at the airport.

So, to cut a long story short, it turned out perfectly for us. After we got engaged, I was looking through our letters and remembered I had a full list of every term we\’d shared before we met, so I put together a book of our letters (and later, used some of them in my memoir, Love At The Speed Of Email.)

If you enjoy writing, starting a blog is a perfect way to document your relationship as it progresses. If you both write to the blog, you will express your experiences with others while also learning about your partners\’ perspectives on various subjects and getting to know each other much more than before.

Decide if you want to share this blog with the whole internet, a smaller LDR network, or keep it private.


4. Make a Film Starring You Two

If you like making movies, making your movie might be a perfect way to create a \”highlights reel\” of your partnership.

For instance, use images taken when you were together. But don\’t neglect to have footage of everyday events that occur when you\’re apart. You may have video calls, selfie recordings, montages of still photographs, or even captured facetime or other video chat moments.

If you want to capture your video calls, there are some fantastic applications available that will record your phone, such as the AZ recorder. This allows you to recall your favorite facetime calls and memories together. However, when we\’re on the subject of filming video calls, it\’s not really \”on\” to film your partner without first informing them, particularly if you want to make this video public. It can also go without saying that you should not film or use something that they may find humiliating.

Often, keep in mind that your companion can record YOU at any moment with the click of a button. As my grandmother always suggests, \”don\’t get nude in front of a webcam.\”

Laughter. That is not what my grandmother says. She doesn\’t realize what a webcam is, and the thought will frighten her. Still, you get the idea.

So, returning to your G-rated highlights reel film starring the two of you… To put it all together, have a few clips in which you can tell what your partner means to you. Tell them what their brightest, funniest, or most irritating traits are.


5. Make a Silly Instagram Profile Only For The Two of You

Creating a private Instagram profile is another enjoyable way to bring each other up to date and develop a nice image of your partnership.

If it\’s intimate, you can shamelessly post the funniest photographs and stories of each other or yourself, and you can concentrate on keeping each other up to date rather than hundreds of other fans. And instead of struggling to search for the most beautiful selfies on your phone or bombarding your friends and relatives with Your own private Instagram club, only for the two of you, might be exactly what you need to help you concentrate on what matters most.


6. Make a Compilation of Your Favorite Songs

Another inventive way to build something that represents all of you and your friendship is to construct a playlist!

Including your favorite songs (I\’m currently listening to Everything I Need by OneRepublic), your partner\’s favorite songs, songs that remind you of special dates or vacations together, even certain long-distance songs that reflect your partnership.

The added benefit in doing that is that it would serve as a soundtrack for your friendship.

Listening to this playlist will make you feel more linked and more together. Listen to these songs while you and your partner are separated or together. It will bring back many wonderful memories and will melt your heart every time you see it.


7. Keep Your Plane/Travel Tickets in a Frame

Long-distance marriages and back-and-forth travel go hand in hand.

It is still a highlight of a long-distance partnership to see each other again, even after several months. Even if your partner stays long-distance abroad, several airline tickets have more definitely been purchased over the years.

Framing your airline tickets is a unique way to recall all of your flights back and forth. Many plane tickets are also digitized, allowing you to print your tickets or boarding passes.

Another way to keep track of all the travel is to produce an animation or video that depicts all the back and forth. If I\’d done it in my marriage with my husband, little planes might have zig-zagged all over the place—from Los Angeles to Australia, Papua New Guinea, Laos, and beyond.

I\’ve never done this, however, because the idea of spending all those hours on a plane for love and work exhausts me more than making me smile. But each on his or her own.


8. Make a \”Memories Jar\” of All of Your Favorite Aspects of Your Friendship

Finally, if you\’re feeling crafty, make your own \”why I love us so much\” jar.

This might sound romantic, but if you take a moment to think about all of the things that make you want to commit to this partnership and this guy, it will intrigue you and warm your core. If you can catch any of that information, it would have the same effect on your girlfriend!

So get yourself a glass container or an empty wine bottle and start taking notes. If you need more ideas for Open When letters, visit our Open When Letters website. Fold each tiny note and drop it into your container or bottle when you finish it. These notes can simply be about anything–stuff you admire and admire for your partner, stuff you love about the two of you being together, how they make you sound, favorite long-distance love stories, music lyrics… the possibilities are infinite.