In the following info graphic we examine VoIP phone service in relation to analog telephony, emphasizing the most relevant points of both technologies. The objective of this info graphic is to help you decide which type of telephony is more suitable for your company or for your home
Call Quality
Both IP telephony and conventional telephony offer high quality calls. IP telephony depends on the quality of the Internet connection and conventional telephony on the state of the wiring.
Need for Electrical Connection
Conventional telephony has the advantage that it does not need an electrical connection since the same network cable supplies electricity to the telephones. It is a factor to take into account, especially in homes for the elderly where the telephone is associated with the tableware service. In the event of a power outage, the teleassistance service continues to work with conventional telephony.
IP telephony does require an electrical connection if it is used with telephones or computers. The advantage is that in the event of a power outage, lines can be configured on smartphones or calls can be redirected to mobile phones in a moment from the customer account so as not to miss any calls.
When using traditional telephony with a telephone switchboard, electricity is also needed since the switchboard does need to be connected to the current to work. Fiber – associated telephony also requires an electrical connection to function.
Need for Internet or Wiring
To have a line with IP telephony it is necessary to have an Internet connection while with conventional telephony it is necessary to be connected by cable.
With IP telephony, the number of simultaneous channels or calls depends on the bandwidth available in the company, since the IP telephony operator can provide you with more channels instantly.
With conventional telephony, the number of channels is determined by the wiring and the telephone exchange, and to hire more channels it will be necessary for a technician to travel to the exchange, making it a longer and more expensive process.
Immediate Discharge
IP telephony offers immediate registration. Within minutes of contracting the services you already have a telephone line and numbers ready to be used.
With conventional telephony, the process is slower since, depending on the wiring, a technician has to travel.
Mobility and Numbering Associated with a Physical Location
Traditional telephony is associated with a physical location and it is not possible to use the phone from another area due to wiring.
With voice over IP telephony it is possible to use the same phone number from anywhere with an Internet connection. This is a great commercial advantage for companies.
Devices for Calls
IP telephony allows the use of different devices, such as telephones, smartphones, computers and tablets , while conventional telephony only uses telephones.
Monthly Fee
Monthly fees for numbers, channels and other complementary services are much more expensive than conventional telephony due to the large infrastructure that has to be maintained.
National and International Low-Cost Calls
IP telephony saves a lot on calls, both national calls and international calls. Simply compare the rates of your current telephone operator with what it would cost you according to our voice over IP rates.
The main difference between IP telephony and Voice over IP is that one refers to the communication system and the other to the technology used to send the voice:
- IP telephony: it is the communication system that allows conversations to be held by telephone over the Internet
- VOIP phones UK: is the set of resources that allow the voice to be sent over the Internet. We could talk about VoIP technology.
- IP telephony would not exist without the voice over IP since it is the basis of its operation.
. How does IP Telephony Work?
When a person speaks through an IP line, the system converts the voice to data packets so that it can be transmitted through the Internet when interconnecting with the next operator, it is decompressed so that the voice reaches the interlocutor. This maintains a conversation between IP lines and analogue telephony, and also between IP telephony and IP telephony.
Compression and decompression also occur when the call changes the transmission channel (from the internet to cable) when connecting to an operator using another system through a switch.
1. User of IP telephony dials the telephone number of another person of conventional telephony.
2. The IP telephony operator connects to the conventional telephone network and connects with the number of user B. The call is connected in both regardless of the type of technology they are using.
The transformation from analogue to digital line and vice versa.
- User B answers the call. The voice is sent by frequencies through the telephone network.
- The voice passes to user A\’s IP telephony operator, which converts it into data packets.
- The voice is decompressed upon arrival at User A\’s device so that User B can be heard.
6. User A speaks and the device compresses the voice into data packets.
- Data packets are sent through the Internet until they connect to the telephone network.
- The data packets are decompressed so that they can travel through the telephone network and arrive as voices to user B.
Port Number to IP Telephony
The process of portability of a number to IP telephony (virtual numbering) is exactly the same as with any other type of numbering: request portability to the new telephone operator and he will take care of all the procedures.
To do this, first contract an IP telephony plan and, once contracted, request portability.
An IP telephony number can be ported back to conventional telephony at any time as many times as desired. In this way, a company that migrates its numbers to VoIP can in the future port them back to traditional operators if its needs change.