Even while you are pregnant, activity and exercise are important for your health and that of your future baby. Practice these swimming styles. You will love them!
Myths about physical activity and pregnant women are long gone; therefore, the gestation process should not be a limitation to exercise or physical activity. However, it is necessary to understand the physical and physiological changes in order to adapt to this aquatic practice.
Swimming is one of the most recommended activities for people, even for pregnant women. If this is your case, without a doubt, you could do this sport, of course, after consulting with your doctor.
What do you think are the most recommended styles for swimming and lifeguarding course during pregnancy? Next, we will solve this and other doubts you may have on the subject. We accompany!
Pregnant women and swimming styles
Swimming can be approached in a number of ways, with the sporting aspect being the most relevant. However, in this discipline the therapeutic or rehabilitation component also stands out; No matter which one, they can all add great value to the gestation process.
In this case, we approach the swimming styles one by one in order for you to understand which are the best for your pregnancy.
Front crawl or freestyle
The crawl style can offer various benefits for the body, especially cardiorespiratory. Despite this, it is one of those that requires the most coordination and effort for its execution.
The most appropriate thing would be to carry it out in the first months of pregnancy. However, when you overcome the barrier of the second trimester you should be more careful with this style. Especially since the abdominal area has a larger size and the state of the body is usually more fragile with respect to any type of overexertion.
Breaststroke or breaststroke style
The work done by the chest style during its performance focuses on the muscle groups of the legs and pelvis. Therefore, it would be very useful to strengthen you while swimming; It is even highly recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy.
However, doing it on a regular basis could affect the lower back of pregnant women. If this is your case, the most advisable thing would be to practice it only once a week.
Butterfly style
This style is considered the most complex style in the world of swimming and one of the ones that help burn the most calories thanks to its execution. Despite this, it is the only style that pregnant women should not practice. The abrupt movement of the lower and upper extremities, as well as the undulation, could cause complications during pregnancy.
Back style
The back style is the most used with regard to the therapeutic subject, its benefits are numerous, especially in relation to the back area. This could be done during the three trimesters of pregnancy in order to feel relaxed and calm.
However, in the last trimester, the most recommended would be that you do it in a semi-sitting position so that the weight of the fetus does not cause any problem in the circulation of your body.
Do not swim without authorization
Recommendations about the styles that you can practice while you are pregnant arise from their benefits. However, before doing any type of swimming, it is best to have the authorization and supervision of a professional.
From your obstetrician doctor to a trainer you should have a prior check-up and various controls in order to keep your health and that of the future baby in good condition. Based on these results, you can perform any of the styles mentioned above.
On the other hand, take into account the safety measures in the water and around the pool, as well as the temperature and the swimsuit you use.
Swimming for pregnant women, the best option
Without forgetting the contraindications made by your doctor, swimming is considered one of the best options for pregnant women, who should engage in physical activity, since a sedentary lifestyle added to physiological changes could be counterproductive.
In that order of ideas, swimming provides endless benefits, among which the muscle strengthening of the pelvic area and the stimulation of blood circulation stand out. Therefore, we advise you to practice this sport regularly without neglecting professional recommendations.