Can you have a crush on someone who is still in a relationship? It can be inconvenient and it is expected to be one-sided. You will wish for your crush to abandon their companion for you, but this seldom occurs.
It may be disheartening to love someone and not get the same amount of love in return. And for others, the majority of their lives are spent waiting for their crush to knock on their gates.
If you have a crush on someone in a friendship, you could intervene. To begin, you must clearly describe your feelings and ask yourself some critical questions to decide if your feelings are worthwhile.
How Does It Feel To Have Feelings For Someone Who is in a Relationship?
It is not a felony to admire someone who is in a relationship with someone else.
It is natural to experience such emotions whether you want a girl who has a boyfriend or a boy who has a girlfriend.
Thoughts Regularly
When you have a crush on someone, they are at the forefront of your mind. This strengthens the need to be with them at all times.
When you think of your crush, your thoughts sometimes switch to their current girlfriend, who makes you unhappy.
Jealousy, contrary to popular belief, is not a negative emotion. It is, on the contrary, normal. If you have a crush on someone in a friendship, it is normal to feel jealous. You\’ll yearn for their affection, devotion, and caring, but they\’ll just be dreams.
The feeling of Euphoria
You get excited if you see or hear about your crush.
You can spend the whole daydreaming about them and yet trigger dopamine release.
Is It Wrong To Have Feelings For Someone Who Has a Partner?
Dealing with a crush when in a friendship with someone else is one of the most difficult things you might go through. Much of the time, you will chastise yourself for liking somebody who has a girlfriend or boyfriend, on other days, you will be unconcerned.
The reality is that having a crush on someone in a friendship is not a negative thing. It must, though, be handled with caution. If you want to force your crush to abandon their friendship and flee into your hands, you are acting irrationally.
Instead of bringing things into your own hands, you can let nature run its path.
If you\’re curious about what to do if your crush has a girlfriend or partner, you should inform them of your feelings without pressuring them. You would be notified if there is a spot for you in their lives.
10 Things You Can Avoid if You Have a Crush on Someone In a Relationship
We don\’t get to pick who we fell in love with. It is more difficult to get a crush on someone who is in a relationship when we believe we should have them for ourselves.
If you want to know how to avoid getting a crush on someone?
You may be thinking about what to do if your crush has a partner.
1. Understand How you Arrived at This Stage.
You should reflect on how you came to this stage. Consider what you saw in the individual who triggered your emotions. You must be certain of what triggered the emotions to recover your mental wellbeing.
It is also important to understand whether it is worthwhile to have feelings for someone or to avoid loving them.
2. Be Certain of Your Professional Objectives.
Have you written down your friendship expectations before seeing your crush? It\’s normal to have a crush, but do they align with your objectives? If you believe they do not, there is no need to continue loving them prioritize yourself selfing the prioritize yourself f are in good health. As a result, before considering if your crush is worth it, be transparent about your life goals.
3. Maintain Realism
When you have a crush on somebody, it is natural to do some research on them. They do exhibit certain habits that you do not approve of. Yet you ignore them because you have a crush on them.
At this stage, you must be certain that you will deal with them if you become partners.
Since everybody has warning flags, you must choose the poison.
4. Keep Karma in Mind
Ask yourself, \”What would I do if my crush was dating someone?\”
The response decides whether you can continue to believe that your crush will most likely support your demands. You must know that Karma exists, and you would not be happy if your mate loves someone else.
It\’s a smart thing to cancel the mission and you realize what goes around comes around.
5. Learn to Accept The Second Best.
You have to be selfish of yourself from time to time. One factor that can hold you on is that you deserve nothing better than the highest. The reality is that you cannot be content with swapping your crush with anyone else.
Setting your sights on the brightest requires finding somebody you adore for yourself. If you keep dreaming that your crush would abandon their companion and settle for you, it will never happen. It is better to step forward and locate a single person.
6. Don\’t have your Emotions Bottled up for Too Long.
Not everybody gets their crush, particularly if they are already taken by someone else. Since you have been nursing those emotions for a long time, this results in a sequence of stressful emotional moments. Get over the guy and get on with your life to stop this.
If you are certain that you would not be able to end up with your crush, either forget about them or stay buddies with them.
7. Talk to them about it.
If you have a crush on someone in a friendship, you should talk to them about it. Your crush will admire your honesty and decide to keep in touch with you. Don\’t beat yourself up if they don\’t take things the same way. Let\’s go ahead!
8. Avoid Obsessing about your crush.
Having a crush is innocent, but being fascinated with them is dangerous. Don\’t let the agony of not being able to get them to consume your life. It is normal to like them, but if you get fascinated with them, you would lose.
Focus on those things that make you comfortable and build fun memories for yourself to stop being obsessed.
9. Do Not Follow Them.
Some people make the error of stalking their crush both online and in person. This is completely unacceptable and you are not honoring their privacy. If your crush discovers you are following them, they will grow negative feelings against you, which would aggravate the situation.
It\’s good to follow them on social media, just don\’t obsess about their articles. If you can\’t take it anymore, unfollow them because you see less of their social networking presence. The same is true in everyday life; strive not to hang near them much of the time.
10. Recognize that a Crush is a Fleeting Emotion.
A crush does not continue for an extended period.
Assure yourself that you\’ll get over it quickly. Know that no matter how much it hurts, the emotions will not last long.
When is it Appropriate to Break Up with your Crush?
Unrequited love can be excruciatingly frustrating, particularly if your crush is already in a relationship and you can\’t offer them an excuse to leave. Perhaps it\’s time for you to let go, so you\’re not sure when.
Here are three signals that it\’s time to call it quits on a crush.
They are Unaware of your Existence.
You\’ve been deceiving yourself if your crush is scarcely conscious of your life.
It would be pointless to attempt to get their attention no matter how hard you tried. This is a clear indication that they are unaware of your existence and that you have been fantasizing. It will be difficult to admit, but you must press forward.
They Offer Unrequited Love.
If you know your crush and they aren\’t paying attention to you, it\’s time to call it quits. Your crush is most definitely making time for their significant other and other individuals in their life. They most definitely aren\’t aware that you crave their affection.
You have no reason to expect their undivided attention, so disregard them.
They do not Value You.
You may have done something with your crush in the past, but they did not reciprocate.
If this occurs more than once and they display no respect, you should discontinue the favors and forget about them.
In Conclusion
Ultimately, it just comes down to being honest about yourself. If you have a crush on someone who is in a relationship and that that would not lead to something, it is better to suppress your feelings.
On the other side, if you\’re good buddies with your crush and believe there\’s a possibility, you might hang out for a bit.
You must make certain that you are making the correct choices and, regardless of your emotions for others, you must prioritize yourself.