7 Reasons Why We All Go Crazy When A Couple Gets Married

It\’s not every day that one gets married, but that doesn\’t mean the excitement is over when a couple does tie the knot. In fact, it seems these days that any time someone is in love or falls in love, they head out to see a wedding venue as soon as possible. This opinion blog post discusses the reasons why we all go crazy when a couple gets married.

There are many reasons why you may go crazy when a couple gets married. Maybe it’s because of the love and romance involved, or just how friends and family have grown so close over the years. When a friendship melds with romance, people often experience something magical.

Not only do you feel happy for your old friends who started dating again after being divorced, but also everyone is excited to see if this time they will get married. And if that wasn\’t enough, there\’s always something about wedding planning that is intriguing to everybody. The wedding theme, the colour of the wedding dress, the colour of the bridesmaid dresses, and what kind of music will be playing during the ceremony…

Family members who were not invited to a wedding can sometimes feel left out and sad. They miss their friends and family as they begin their new life together. However, you might be in for a rude awakening if you are one of those who were not invited to a wedding. It doesn\’t matter if it is because you weren\’t invited or because you don\’t want to attend, there is always another reason why someone is missing at a wedding.

There are many different reasons why couples go crazy when they marry each other and there are also many different angles from which people can view marriage. However, this blog explores seven of these reasons in particular and what might lead to a few common reactions.


1. Kiss Me As You Mean It

Seems that this is the best way to ask for commitment, especially when you\’re in love. But what happens when the proposal comes and the girl says yes? Well, flash forward to her wedding day and she\’ll be like: \”I guess I did mean it.\”

2. I Just Love Being Married

For some people, marriage is something they simply do, a formality that they simply view as a title. They never really get into it because they never seem to feel anything towards their partner before marrying them. However, after getting married they will feel something towards their partner; as though one night with them was enough time to fall in love.

3. Marriage is Forever

No matter how much one may hate their spouse, there\’s always that sense that they can\’t divorce them. Because as much as everyone will tell you marriage is forever, it is not legally so. There are laws and courts that allow people to divorce if the relationship becomes unhealthy and abusive. That means there are options to get out of a relationship even if you married them.

4. The Honeymoon is Over

What happens after the proposal? Well, it\’s time to plan the wedding of course! And what happens after the wedding? It\’s time for marriage counselling because love died overnight. Yeah, that was a joke. But the reality is that the honeymoon phase of marriage often leaves one feeling more depressed than excited. 

5. I\’ve Got Everything I Want

Most people think being married means that they have finally found their soulmate and this is what they\’ve been looking for. But, being married really means one has finally found out what it\’s like to be stuck with someone. Being married indicates that one has reached a decision in their life and this can be tough for many people. No longer are they free to choose who they fall in love with but must now accept their partner as a best friend or spouse so words have lost meaning because it is simply about compromise. 

6. I\’m Not The Same Person Anymore

Well, maybe you were different before, but now that you\’re married, you\’re not. There are things that were unique about the individual before marriage and now they will remain with them forever. They\’ve been married for a long time and now there are no more surprises left. The only surprise is the death of course and the big question as to what happens after death.

7.  It\’s My Responsibility

According to most people today, it is their responsibility to be a good partner or husband or wife. However, no one is actually responsible for anyone else\’s happiness. That\’s the burden of the other person and if you\’re a good partner, then you\’ll show it by doing your best to make them happy. Happiness is not something that can be forced upon someone and when one sets out to make another person happy, they will only end up miserable.